Posted on

 May 12, 2014 in 

Emanuel Dominguez’s fiancée, Jessica Cavender—a Marine like Emmanuel—was nowhere near when, according to this account, “Emmanuel Dominguez began backing away with his hands in the air when [Christopher Ernest] Braughton opened fire, shooting him once in the torso.”

Now Christopher Ernest Braughton is charged with murdering Emmanuel Dominguez (Indictment—PDF), and is set for trial August 11, 2014.

So why is Christopher Ernest Braughton suing Jessica Cavender, the fiancée of the Marine he killed, for more than $200,000 (Original Petition—PDF)?

Here are the allegations of the lawsuit:



The Plaintiff was damaged as a result of the actions of the Defendant


Defendant was negligent


Plaintiff, CHRISTOPHER BROUGHTON, was caused to suffer , and to incur the following damages:

  1. Actual Damages
  2. Special Damages.


A lawsuit is supposed to give the defendant notice of the allegations against him. This does not do so. It makes no sense at all until you look at the signature block at the end of the Plaintiff’s Original Petition:


Respectfully submitted,

By: /S/ Mark Sandoval____________ M.T. Sandoval
Texas Bar No. 17624500
P.O. BOX 1187

Tel. (713) 654-1050


I wrote about Sandoval here in 2008 after he filed a lawsuit on behalf of a criminal defendant, Elizabeth Shelton (Elizabeth Shelton Indictment—PDF), against the people whose car she had rear-ended causing the death of her boyfriend, Matthew McNiece. At the time Sandoval represented the family of Mr. McNiece as well. (Sandoval then nonsuited that case. Elizabeth Shelton Nonsuit. This case, Sandoval may not get out of so easily: I’m reliably informed that Cavender will be countersuing for intentional infliction of emotional distress.)

It gets even more interesting: the father of Elizabeth Shelton, Pat Shelton, who used to give Sandoval juvenile appointments when Shelton was a juvenile court judge, is Sandoval’s cocounsel on Christopher Ernest Braughton’s murder case. Cozy.

(Notice that Sandoval misspelled Mr. Braughton’s name—as “Broughton”—when he filed the current lawsuit. It may have been inadvertent, but that way Braughton’s name is less likely to turn up in searches. In 2008 I noted, “Her boyfriend, Matthew McNeice (the Chronicle renders it McNiece, but the District Clerk’s civil records have McNeice), is killed in the crash.” It appears that Sandoval misspelled the McNieces’ name in that civil suit as well. Cute.)

(Update: Sandoval’s lawsuit has been removed to federal court.)

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  1. Murray Newman May 13, 2014 at 7:27 am - Reply

    Now Mark, you don’t know what Sandoval’s trial strategy is. Perhaps he wants to make his client look like an out-of-his-mind-asshole for sympathy.

    Sandoval makes Leaping Lloyd Oliver look like Atticus Finch, sadly.

  2. stephanie May 21, 2014 at 9:32 pm - Reply

    Thank you Mark

  3. Edward Maceo Plitt May 25, 2014 at 6:17 pm - Reply

    The defendant (Back Shooter) should be sewed for wrongful death. Additionally Sgt.Emanuel Dominguez was murdered over a year ago. Why has it taken the State Of Texas over a year to bring this murderer to trial?

  4. David Fields November 7, 2014 at 12:25 pm - Reply


    Thank you for bringing this to light. I know I am a bit late in reading this but, as Manny was a friend I am interested in this case. Jessica is also a friend. It hurts deeply to know that there are people who enable the irrational actions of others in such a way as Sandoval has. It is truly an egregious act for which Braughton and Sandoval should be punished. Regards to you, Mark, for this piece.


    David Fields

  5. Carmen Plitt(Manny'smom) May 25, 2015 at 11:15 pm - Reply

    Thank you This it is the first time I’ve come across your website but today Memorial Day I was sent Christopher”s family website. I really thought I could put everything behind me and allow the healing to begin but I was wrong if you have any information or anyone who would be willing to help me file a wrongful death lawsuit on the braughtons and Aguirres as well. please contact me , I really need help
    thank you
    Here is there new page disgracing my son.

    • Annette August 10, 2015 at 8:16 am - Reply

      Explain how, if at all, that this web site is “disgracing” your son?
      I visited it and all I have seen is a family that has united to fight for their son’s innocence. You would do the same if the roles were reversed.

  6. Delores October 20, 2015 at 12:51 am - Reply

    All the negativity is horrible . The documents speak for themselves . May God spare your tongue . And show you the way and the truth !

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